Tuesday, February 7, 2012

seeking a peaceful mind...

Acceptance is a strange thing. Some people have too much of it, some don’t have any..  when is a good time to be in acceptance?  it’s a relative question.. one not easily answered.  In fact, as many people as you ask is the different answers you’ll get. So where does one begin …  Well,  it is probably safe to say that most of us walk around in some element of something we are struggling to accept.  Sometimes it’s something about our home life or our job. It doesn’t matter much the what or the details of the  “what “ are but instead understanding the cost it has on our internal systems how  we are feeling…  take  moment a do an inventory.. take a look inward ..   is there something you are not accepting?    Keys to accepting things.. First identify what it is that you are  not accepting.  Another word for this commonly used is denial.. Although that may be  to broad a word to use for this chat…  breath  in… next is evaluate.  what can be done ?   is any of the matter  within your  grasp to do something ? ..  set a boundary maybe ..  say no.  or say yes.. open your heart.. finally,  invite change into your current situation. It’s not about changing anyone around us  to do something or not do something.. it’s about taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions..  right now…look at your responses..  clean your side of the street..we tend to be more at peace, more in acceptance when we let go of things we cannot  control…   where are your limits ?   These are great questions to ponder as we evaluate what is it that we need to accept or what is just unacceptable.. Therein is another chat .. when something is unacceptable.  How do we respond.. are we clear?   Are we honest?   Are we flexible to find the compromise?.. whether we are seeking to accept or defining  something as unacceptable,  do we have compassion..  What are you working on accepting today  or where have you discovered something that is unacceptable..   what steps are you taking to focus on your “side of the street” in the matter…